德國將在非洲國家迦納核發愛沙尼亞簽證 聯邦德國位於非洲國家迦納首都阿克拉到的大使館將自今年(二零零八年,民國九十七年)五月一日起 商務中心核發愛沙尼亞非移民簽證。愛沙尼亞已於去年(二零零七年,﹐民國九十六年 賣屋)年底加入申根協定。 Germany To Issue Estonia Visas By Fri, 25 Apr 2008 Gener 訂做禮服al NewsThe German Embassy in Accra will from May 1, 2008, issue Schengen visas representing Estonia. 澎湖民宿 A statement issued by the Embassy in Accra yesterday said Ghanaians as well as residents of third countries in Gha 婚禮顧問na wishing to travel to Estonia for visit or business not exceeding 90 days should call at the visa reception centre for an a 租屋網ppointment and apply to the German Embassy visa section. It said the Embassy was only in a position to issue visas on behalf of Estonia.'S 禮服hould the German Embassy not be in a position to issue a visa, the applicant is free to apply at the Estonian Embassy in London directly.' The statement 辦公室出租 said visa applications for any other purpose such as employment, study, family reunion, long stay exceeding 90 days, were handled by the Estonian Embassy in London directly.ht 結婚西裝tp://www.modernghana.com/news/163587/1/Germany-to-issue-estonia-visas   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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